Overzealous Liberals will Unseat the Left

In a demented drive to bring down President Trump, their hated quarry, the liberal left has overplayed its hand.  As a result, mainstream America is beginning to realize that the left has far less power than they project with race-baiting, false outrage and fake news – measures that have cowed Republicans and other adversaries for decades. Once the curtain is pulled back and America realizes that the great Oz is just a small number of well-placed, America-hating, socialist, whiners without any real power, the gig will be up and the liberal left will lose its hold on the hearts and minds of the unthinking masses.

Trump’s election was itself a statement that the liberals were losing power. Trump was so demonized by the liberal media and the drumbeat of bad news so frequent during his campaign, he was expected to go down handily in defeat.  Instead, he took the Democrat strongholds of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania with protest votes against the liberal agenda that put the struggles of unemployed middle class families behind leftist signature issues like “climate change” and gender-neutral bathrooms.  Leftist ideologues were so stunned that their pawns rebelled they had to take a personal day following the election to recover with coloring books and chocolate.

Since Trump’s election, the liberal media and their radical “sources” haven’t ceased their steady barrage of fake news regarding a non-existent conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians to influence the election.  But with near continuous coverage, and no evidence – even from the much awaited testimony of admitted leaker James Comey – the story has no legs and the American people are tired of it.  The constant attacks have cowed old guard Republicans who might otherwise ally themselves with the President, but a defiant Trump soldiers on against the attacks with a widespread publication of his own version of the story via Twitter, to the dismay of a leftist media that is used to drowning out their enemies and watching them squirm.

Next came Charlottesville and what could soon be exposed as a paid protest by the left against a group of armed and angry white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Each side admittedly engaged in acts of violence against the other side, and then one unhinged radical Nazi plowed his car into a crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring 19 others. Did anyone honestly think nobody would get hurt with the venom and rage each side brought to the melee? The outrage in the media was one-sided, however, including demands that Trump’s initial statements condemning the deadly violence were insufficient.  So Trump made a further, more specific statement and then, in defiant resistance to the left’s hypocritical outrage and innuendo against his supporters, continued to explain to America what really happened – not just the version of events pedaled by the left.  More old guard Republicans distanced themselves from Trump in some sort of fear-driven solidarity with their liberal handlers, but the American people know that all the protestors were not innocent as lambs and Trump’s resistance to perpetuating the usual one-sided liberal outrage resonated with many Americans. Thus, Trump successfully thwarted both the false outrage ploy and the race-baiting ploy — both so often successfully used by the Left.

The media storms have subsided.  President Trump is still standing and is more feisty than ever – recently threatening to shut down the government if the Republicans won’t pass a continuing resolution that includes building a border wall.  You can just see the crazed liberals huddling together asking “How can we get this guy?  We HATE him.”  But like so many inept villains in the old Disney movies, the more they try to take Trump down, the more they take themselves down.  They’re too driven by blind rage against Trump to think it all through.  And so they stumble over themselves trying to hit Trump with the baseball bat, and instead end up bruising themselves and exposing their own impotence.

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