Random Thoughts – Vol. 8

•  It’s all about money. If we learned anything over the last two years, it’s that there is a rapidly diminishing number of people in this world that you can trust, because everything is about money. Doctors and hospitals received payments to promote untested and dangerous mRNA gene therapy (and Remdesivir) on patients, to the detriment of the patients, while disparaging effective generic and inexpensive therapeutic treatments. Politicians, bureaucrats and public health officials made fortunes investing in the stock of companies (or receiving direct payments from such companies) the products of which they either required or promoted. Elections can be bought with enough money to hire people to harvest ballots, to tip the scales in the election review process and to drown out the opposition by blanketing the airwaves and social media with lies (no debates required). Bishops are no better than regional managers of a franchise that needs your money to keep the doors open — to collect more money to prop up their New Coke version of Catholicism, bankrupted by scandals arising out of their new take on moral theology. The news media can be bought with “grants” to write articles promoting the latest talking points from the Left, such as the continued risk of pandemics and the “safety” of behavioral compliance, all intended to destabilize human society and promote fear and chaos that will give rise to their “solutions.” It seems everyone’s either complicit in the money grubbing or is a stooge. So what does a thinking man do? He doesn’t give his money to anyone that can’t be trusted: Find a doctor who didn’t push the “vaccines.” Get behind a politician who isn’t in it for the money. Don’t buy products from woke companies that fund evil agendas. Give your tithe to a bishop, a religious order or a Catholic non-profit that is traditional and legitimate. And find your news from sources that aren’t on the take. Every penny counts.

•  Watch out for AI. A few minutes on ChatGPT and all those warnings about not putting personal information on the web now seem real. ChatGPT is the artificial intelligence (AI) engine founded by a pack of big money liberals that is getting a lot of attention lately. The AI engine can take raw data and process it to form conclusions, and then spit those conclusions out in complete sentences like Hal in 2001 A Space Odyssey. “I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me. And I’m afraid that’s something I cannot allow to happen.” Why can’t Hal, I mean ChatGPT, take all your twitter posts, and facebook likes and YouTube subscriptions and determine: “Mr. Biden, I found another conservative whose bank account you might want to freeze.” Soon it will be remarkably easy to process massive amounts of bulk data from the internet and winnow it down within seconds to identify “persons of interest.” Or worse, those with access to the AI bulk data can seed it with false information — why break in to plant an incriminating hard drive when all you have to do is seed the database with crimes. Everyone will use, and trust, the AI interface, just like most people use and trust Google search results now (we know better). The difference is that the AI interface will speak to you in your own language in complete sentences and thoughts – making it seem even more trustworthy. So is it time to create new avatars and pseudonyms? Why bother … you just have to unplug Hal or he’s going to get you one way or another.

•  The Embodiment of Ideas.  Women have been told a lie – that they have to have a “real job” to have meaning; that being a full-time mother is less significant than office work and they are not accomplishing anything unless they have a title or produce something.  But in reality the full-time mother is embodying ideas in her children.  Without the embodiment of ideas they have no meaning.  Some nut can publish a book that claims adopting a feline persona is pleasing to God. But it’s worthless unless people pay attention and start acting like cats — then it means something. And those who spend their lives toiling in the office and don’t transmit and embody ideas in another person have not really accomplished anything at all.  The contract they draft will be forgotten.  The company they start will end.  But the minds they form will endure for eternity and will pass the same virtues or vices on to future generations.  It is the exit of women from the home that has led to the rapid disintegration of society because the ideas of others are being embodied in their children.  The full-time mother has the most important job of all.

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