Coronavirus: A Unique Scourge

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Is there another human catastrophe that could have the world-wide effect of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19?  Would a war, an earthquake, a tsunami, a massive terrorist attack like 9-11, a solar flare that impacts a portion of the electric grid, or even a nuclear strike in one or more nations shut down the entire world? drive billions of people to avoid anyone outside their families? cripple a hugely-successful economy in the United States? cancel “Masses” at the Vatican and worldwide? shut down the almighty sports machine? and cast doubt on science as the great savior?  There aren’t many events on Earth capable of causing such worldwide panic.  Those who have eyes to see, must clearly see God ‘s displeasure with mankind in allowing this particular scourge. 

And it’s the particularity of it that’s so striking.  Much like when Jesus left his detractors dumb by saying, “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.”  It was the perfect response to a trick question that no one could have expected.  And now, this scourge seems to perfectly, though tragically, address the evils of this present age.  It is no longer “business“ as usual.  It’s hardly business at all.  And since the Church seems to have ceased preaching on the four last things, we are reminded of them by this virus.  All elective “surgeries“ have ceased including abortion and that which shall not be named.  Families are thrown together for security and assistance instead of torn apart by selfish distractions and the pursuit of ever more wealth.  No doubt promiscuity has abated.  And with the cancellation of the Novus Ordo, many Eucharistic sacrileges, such as communion in the hand, have been halted around the world.  Immersing oneself in sports on Sunday has ceased.  And children, blessed children, are spared, for God loves childhood, just as the devil hates it.

If we may be so bold as to thank our Lord for the clarity this scourge brings to mankind, while appealing to Him for its abatement, we would do well perhaps in discerning its meaning.  Let us petition for hope, that infused virtue increased by request, and in so doing place our trust in God.  Spera in Deo.

Conserving Conservatism

“[T]he essence of conservatism lies not in a body of theory, but in the disposition to maintain those institutions seen as central to the beliefs and practices of society.” — Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke is often hailed as one of the truly great conservatives.  His definition of conservatism is good, but few people today would even recognize the society that Burke sought to conserve – one that included the right to govern based on property ownership, a distinct separation of social classes, and state-sponsored religion.  And yet the conservative movement still soldiers on, especially in America.  But do we all agree on what “society” we are trying to conserve?  Which “beliefs and practices?”  And what “institutions?”

Conservatism in America today largely means the preservation of the limited system of government established by our founders, a strict defense of property rights (including limited taxes), and respect for just laws based on a Judeo-Christian moral code.  So when political battles arise on a national scale, they often center on one of these core principles that are still part of America’s conservative heritage.  Debates over national health care, tax increases to “redistribute” wealth and so-called “homosexual marriage” are just a few examples.

Nobody who calls himself a conservative would argue with the basic principles highlighted above, but digging deeper reveals that American conservatism is frayed on the edges – mostly on moral issues.  For example, many prominent conservatives are loathe to question the recently established liberal orthodoxy that homosexual acts are morally acceptable.  Didn’t Dick Cheney’s daughter get “married” to another woman with his full support?  Didn’t John Kasich say in the debates that he attended a homosexual “wedding?”  Didn’t Donald Trump tacitly support the moral equivalence of homosexuality in his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination?

But even on more mundane matters, there is an appalling lack of intellectual integrity among conservatives.  Didn’t John Roberts uphold the Obamacare requirement to purchase health insurance or face a “tax” for failure to do so?  Haven’t the Republicans failed to repeal Obamacare, the largest, most invasive government intrusion since Social Security (which is nearly bankrupt)?  Aren’t the conservatives in Congress proposing a “revised” tax code that is just more of the same progressive taxation called “soak-the-rich” that liberals have enshrined for decades?

Conservatism as a movement suffers for lack of clarity and lack of leadership.  Much of what passes for conservatism today is promoted by so-called Neocons – social liberals but economic conservatives that are disenchanted with the Left’s drive toward communism.  Pushed on the radio talk shows and in conservative publications like National Review, you’ll hear strong arguments by Mark Levin or Irving Kristol or Charles Krauthammer in favor of defending the limited government of the U.S. constitution, but nearly nothing about, or even tacit approval of abortion, social acceptance of homosexuality or a radical feminism that considers motherhood so non-essential it can be outsourced.

America longs for a truly conservative leader.  She recalls fondly the days of Ronald Reagan, and broods over the lost opportunities and outright betrayal of the double Bush administrations (“read my lips, no new taxes,” John Souter, prescription drugs for Medicare, Americans with Disabilities Act, and two Gulf wars).  She hopes Donald Trump will step squarely into the conservative camp, refine his policies and govern as a gentleman, the way a conservative should.  And in the meantime, she seeks the next leader that will step into the limelight and argue coherently, forcibly and articulately for such things as:

  • the systematic dismantling of every federal program and agency except those that are essential to the purposes of the federal government as outlined in the Constitution (national security and defense, international treaties and trade, immigration, a national currency, conflicts between states, and interstate commerce);
  • a return of the primacy of states’ rights as outlined in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution so each state is the primary source of governance and has different policies and programs, which citizens can attack locally, or simply move if they don’t like where their state is headed;
  • the elimination of the federal income tax (started in 1913) which has become a complex tool to fund a bloated, inefficient government and influence social action (tax credits to buy an electric car?); and
  • a respect for the natural law written on our hearts by an almighty God, including the natural rights of children – principally the right to life, to a mother and a father who are bound together by duty (which precludes “homosexual marriage,” “no-fault” divorce and the equivalence of live-in relationships), to the preservation of their innocence (including destroying the drug trade, eliminating soft and hard pornography, and abolishing in-school sex education), to a mother who serves her children and her nation by using her natural gifts to nurture her children as her first priority, and to an education system (run at the state level) that is focused on imparting actual knowledge of the three Rs instead of indoctrination into an ideology.

This conservative wishlist is not farfetched.  It was the norm only a hundred years ago.  Men live today who would have heard of such a society from their fathers.  The speed with which the original American society has been dismantled is dizzying – it accelerated in the 1960s and is making a final and frenetic push today.

As new generations step up to rebuild a conservative American society, for the present society based on modern, selfish libertine principles will surely collapse,  we must describe and defend the principles and institutions we wish to conserve with clarity and unity so that when the time comes we can recover what was lost of that decent American society upon which was built our great nation.

Random Thoughts – Vol 2

  • A Servant’s Heart.  Shows depicting the old British way of life with butlers, valets and maids for the wealthy upperclass might spark the American sentiment of indignation.  After all, American’s might be tempted to ask “who would ever debase himself to become the servant of another?”  Think Remains of the Day or Jeeves and Wooster.  But working for Lord So-and-So or the Duke of Wherever most likely afforded the same type of cachet and name-dropping of which those who slave away for the likes of Google or Amazon are so proud.  As a middle manager responsible for the Department of Whatever at Google, making merely a salary with no real wealth of your own, is there no indignation at your dependence?  Well, at least you can say you work for Google – for whatever that’s worth.
  • Ignoramuses.  The left can be ignored and they know it, that’s why they’re resorting to violent protests now.  How many conservatives use Google? or Apple iPhones? or go to left-leaning universities? Millions.  Sure, there can be occasional reprisals if you bother to expose their hypocrisies (like the recent incident involving an employee at Google), but if you don’t work there you can just simply ignore the leftist ideologies of these companies and institutions.   You don’t have to watch the little Google videos and you can still use Google search.  You don’t have to believe in so-called “climate change” and still use an iPhone.  You don’t have to subscribe to gender bending theories and still go to Yale.  See or hear something offensive from these places?  Ignore it.  What the left wants is acceptance – like children with emotional disorders.  The violence from Black Lives Matter, antifa and other leftist groups is just the tantrum that follows being ignored.  And how do you stop a tantrum?  Administer a dispassionate spanking. A little jail time will stop the protestors – it’s not worth what George Soros is paying them.  Soon the leftist fad will pass with the sunset of its spoiled progenitors.  In the meantime, just ignore it.
  • Perfect Timing.  The appearance of Jesus Christ in human history was perfectly timed by Almighty God.  If Christ had come much sooner in time, there would be few if any written accounts of his actions and words.  If he had come much later, there would be too many – imagine videos and photographs that could be altered or misconstrued, or a superabundance of commentary or “spin” that would certainly confuse many (as contemporary “news accounts” do today).  As it happened, God’s timing was perfect and the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397, 419) had a reasonably limited but complete set of accounts and writings to sort through to establish which were the inspired books of what is known today as the New Testament.

Overzealous Liberals will Unseat the Left

In a demented drive to bring down President Trump, their hated quarry, the liberal left has overplayed its hand.  As a result, mainstream America is beginning to realize that the left has far less power than they project with race-baiting, false outrage and fake news – measures that have cowed Republicans and other adversaries for decades. Once the curtain is pulled back and America realizes that the great Oz is just a small number of well-placed, America-hating, socialist, whiners without any real power, the gig will be up and the liberal left will lose its hold on the hearts and minds of the unthinking masses.

Trump’s election was itself a statement that the liberals were losing power. Trump was so demonized by the liberal media and the drumbeat of bad news so frequent during his campaign, he was expected to go down handily in defeat.  Instead, he took the Democrat strongholds of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania with protest votes against the liberal agenda that put the struggles of unemployed middle class families behind leftist signature issues like “climate change” and gender-neutral bathrooms.  Leftist ideologues were so stunned that their pawns rebelled they had to take a personal day following the election to recover with coloring books and chocolate.

Continue reading “Overzealous Liberals will Unseat the Left”

Brexit: A Blueprint for American Secession?

From Article 50 to the Great Repeal Bill, Brexit is providing an ironic blueprint for a state to leave the United States of America.  The rumblings are growing louder in California, Texas, South Carolina, Colorado and other states to go it alone.  With meaningful reform of the bloated federal government seemingly insurmountable, to avoid a catastrophe like the Civil War, America might look to Brexit for a step-by-step guide to an orderly division.

The first step is Article 50.  In 2009, the European Union voted to enact Article 50, which contains a brief but certain process for a member country to leave the EU.  It contains a method to notify the EU governing body and a 2-year negotiation period to settle the details.  Although the US constitution does not specify that once ratified by a state there is no withdrawal, there is currently no express provision for a state to withdraw from the Union.  Step one is to pass a constitutional amendment with provisions similar to Article 50.  The mood is ripe in America, on both the left and the right, and the people at large would likely support a brief and reasonable amendment like Article 50.  It would be Amendment 28 to the US Constitution, so let’s call it that.

Continue reading “Brexit: A Blueprint for American Secession?”